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Michigan Lawmaker Wants Same-Sex Marriage Prohibited


Same-Sex Marriage

In June, same-sex marriage was declared legal in all 50 states by a 5–4 ruling in the Supreme Court. Reactions to this ruling were mixed, though most people seemed to be happy with the decision. People changed their profile pictures online to have a rainbow background, and even those at the White House celebrated by lighting up the building in rainbow colors that night. However, there have been those who were not as happy with the ruling. Some people, primarily religious ones, felt the ruling was a violation of what they believed was a proper definition of marriage. Because of this, there have been some issues with same-sex couples who have tried to get their marriage licenses. Now, a Michigan lawmaker wants same-sex marriage prohibited.

Violation on State’s Rights

Representative Thomas Hooker has filed a motion with the House for the state of Michigan to once again prohibit same-sex marriage. He feels the state’s rights were trampled on when the Supreme Court made their ruling, and he wants the state to reclaim its sovereignty by refusing to recognize or enforce the ruling. This means he wants lawmakers and officials to not perform same-sex marriage ceremonies, and to deem all same-sex marriage licenses invalid.

Religious Freedom

Many have expressed concern at having their religious rights trampled upon when they have been forced to recognize same-sex marriage. This has been especially true for Christians, who believe the Bible prohibits same-sex marriage. Not all Christians feel this way, but a vast majority does. Kim Davis’ story is a perfect example of the battle between same-sex rights and religious freedom. She is a county clerk in Kentucky who refused to issue same-sex marriage licenses, or any marriage licenses for that matter. She stuck to her guns and even spent a few days in jail after she defied a court’s order to issue the licenses. While Davis has become almost a household name due to all of the publicity she received, she is not the only one who feels this way. Various county clerks all over the country have faced similar battles and have ultimately been told to put their religious beliefs aside and issue the licenses.

Religious Rally

A religious rally was held in the state of Michigan and roughly 200 people attended. The rally mainly focused on Christians and their views on same-sex marriage, but it drew in people of all religions, including members from the Satanic Temple of Detroit. Despite the wide range of religious views of those at the rally, it was focused on putting God at the center of government. One of the members expressed concern that the government is going further and further away from God. Many at the rally feel the country should be worried about that.

Same-Sex Marriage in Michigan

Michigan was in a battle over same-sex marriage long before the Supreme Court’s June ruling.

  • In 2004, same-sex marriage was banned, due to a popular vote conducted in the state.
  • The state was told in March 2014 that forbidding same-sex marriage is unconstitutional.
  • Over 300 same-sex couples applied for marriage licenses the next day.
  • In November of the same year, the court overruled the previous court’s ruling, making same-sex marriage illegal once again.
  • However, the state was forced to recognize all of the same-sex marriage licenses issued on March 22 that year.

Unfortunately for the state of Michigan, getting same-sex marriage banned in their state will be all but impossible. The Supreme Court’s rulings are difficult to overturn, and since the majority of the country agrees with the ruling, there probably aren’t going to be any exceptions made.

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