
Posts tagged ‘get ordained’

Officiating a Wedding in the COVID-19 Age

So, you’ve been asked to officiate your friends’ wedding. Congratulations! It’s both an honor and an enriching experience to help a couple create a meaningful occasion. COVID-19 has certainly complicated things, especially key social events. But with some smart tips and useful precautions, you can help your friends celebrate and stay safe. Your Important First […]

Religion and Morality

A recent study in Science reveals some potentially surprising findings about our understanding of morality. As it turns out, individuals who identify themselves as religious are no more “moral” in their day-to-day behavior than individuals who don’t identify as being religious. The study, conducted with over 1,200 people, required participants to receive five random texts […]

The Myth of Traditional Marriage

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to question long-accepted myths about the sanctity of marriage. If you are preparing to get ordained, you may be pondering the moral and philosophical nuances of traditional marriage. The deeper you look, the more you may find that your ideas about marriage, and what you take for granted […]

Coming Out: the Church and LGBT Issues

Research from Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) suggests that many churchgoers are in the closet regarding their support for marriage equality. Being a supporter of this and the LGBT community in general might not seem like a very big deal to some, but to others it can mean the difference between being an outcast and […]

Falling Like Dominoes

If you would like to get ordained in order to perform a wedding ceremony, you may be wondering what the official Universal Life Church (ULC) position is concerning same-sex marriage. Although it is important to point out that no minister in the ULC is forced to participate in a wedding ceremony or perform a wedding […]

80lb Wedding Dress

All That’s Bling Some brides believe less is more when it comes to what they wear on their big day, and others are perfectly comfortable in an 80lb wedding dress encrusted with sparkling jewels. Sondra Celli is world renowned for her blinged-out, crystal couture, and the go-to designer for gypsies wanting a weighty wedding dress. […]

A Bewitching Moon For All to See

A Super Moon occurrence happens when a full or new moon comes closer to our planet than any other time in the year. It often times is 14% bigger and 30% brighter than it usually is. When a Super Moon comes between the Earth and the Sun, it enhances elevated tides that in the past […]

St. Francis and the Blessing of the Animals

Francis of Assisi is undoubtedly one of the people’s favorite saints, and how could he not be? He is the patron saint of animals and was well known for his compassion for all living things. Such was his dedication that he gave up the comfortable life afforded to him by his father who was a […]

The NSA Snooping in Your Online Church

If you’ve ever stepped into a confessional, you know that it can be cathartic and scary at the same time. You’re about to tell a respected Holy man all the not-so-holy things you’ve done recently. This man knows your family, he might have held you as a baby, and he isn’t likely to be thrilled […]

Easing Interfaith Tension in Egypt

Being a ULC minister means being a person who has gained an understanding of how to deal with all types of people from all types of religious backgrounds, from Mormons to Muslims. As we discover what it means to be a ULC minister, we will examine the upcoming festival in Cairo that has been specifically […]