Get OrdainedBegin Free Online Ordination

Become a Pastor or Other Religious Leader

The ULC ordains people of all faiths and backgrounds

Are you inspired to help create a spiritual community but unsure how to start? Do you have a vision for building your own church? Is there a still, small voice insisting that you’re called to serve as a pastor?

If you want to heed that voice, but don’t know how to become a pastor, read on. There are multiple paths that you can take towards becoming the spiritual leader that you are meant to be. As you consider which approach to take, remember that the means you use to achieve your ends often have a deep impact on what the end result turns out to be.

You could go through the standard route of attending college and then going to the seminary. This takes years of time and intensive study, as well as a large amount of money. For many people, that means taking out student loans.

If you become an ordained reverend through this path, there are advantages. You will have a certain amount of respect and social standing. The steps to take will be relatively clear. However, serious disadvantages also exist. One of them is the issue of debt mentioned above. You will also most likely be forced to learn the specific perspective on spirituality as defined by whichever Christian denomination your seminary is affiliated with.

There is another way to become a pastor. You can get ordained online for free through the Universal Life Church (ULC). The ULC is open to individuals from all spiritual paths and perspectives. You can be any denomination of Christian and become an ordained reverend through the ULC. You can also be a practicing Buddhist, a follower of Hinduism or any kind of Pagan. Even if there is no name yet for the spiritual path you follow, you can become ordained through the ULC.

The process of being ordained is a legal one. That means that you’ll be empowered to perform weddings and other ceremonies. However, becoming a pastor is different from starting a church. The exact requirements for creating a legally recognized spiritual community vary from state to state. Ask your local officials about the process and be sure to find out what kinds of paperwork you need to submit in order to establish a church.

More importantly, becoming a religious leader is a process of spiritual growth, developing relationships and stepping into your own power. Becoming ordained online can be an important part of this process, especially as it enables you to conduct legally recognized ceremonies. But you need to consider the spiritual aspects as well.

As you move towards ordainment, it’s important to keep deepening your relationship with your tradition. You may want to seek out other spiritual leaders to ask them for guidance and suggestions and to hear about their own experiences. There might be specific rituals that need to be included as part of the process.

This may all seem like a lot to think about. As you’re considering all this, remember to follow your intuition. If you are meant to become a pastor, you will find the right path to that destination.

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