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Homophobia Leads to Brutal Murder of Swedish Man

photo of a fresh crime scene

Crime Scene

Homophobia leads to brutal murder of Swedish man after offering to help two teenagers in need. The man came across the two teens, aged 16 and 19, in the park and found out they were basically living on the streets. During this time, he was wearing a wig and dressed as a woman, according to the two teenagers. Out of the kindness of his own heart, the man offered to let the two teenagers come by his home for a nice warm shower and some fresh, clean clothes. The two teenagers willingly accepted and headed back to the man’s flat. According to the teenagers, the man’s wig fell off, and they then discovered he was a man, not a woman like they originally thought. According to police reports, this is when the 16-year-old brutally beat and murdered the man. Once he was dead, the teen draped a dead snake around the man’s neck.

Recorded on a Cell Phone

One of the teenagers had video taken at the home during or immediately following the murder. It showed both teenagers going through the man’s house, stealing his belongings, all while yelling profane swear words over the dead man’s body. The video had been deleted, but police were able to recover it.

Found by Partner

The man was later found by his partner, who lived with him. The man’s partner claims that the man never dressed up in women’s clothes, and he thinks that the two teenagers put the clothing on him in an attempt to degrade him. However, it’s unknown where they would have gotten the clothes or how else they would have found out the man is gay.


The two teenagers are claiming the murder was a matter of self-defense, but that defense isn’t likely to stand. With the way the man was murdered and the actions that took place immediately following, this does not appear to be the case at all. In fact, prosecutors feel this was a hate crime simply because of the man’s sexual orientation. The two teenagers’ accounts have remained inconsistent in the months following the murder, and the 19-year-old claims he has nothing to do with it.

Fear Leading to Hate

This is yet another case of a fear of something unfamiliar turning into a senseless hate. There was no logical reason for the teenagers to think this man was a threat to them. After all, he was trying to offer a place for them to stay out of the goodness of his heart. Now this thoughtful man has been killed tragically because of this fear of homosexuals.


Unfortunately, homophobia is still a common occurrence. In some parts of the world, you can be tortured and put to death simply because you are gay. People will turn their own family members away when he or she tells them about his or her sexual preference. In the United States, people are generally much more accepting, but there are still people who are afraid of gay people. It’s a silly fear, as homosexuals don’t pose a threat any more than any other person does:

  • Homosexuals are not more likely to commit murder.
  • They do not engage in more violent crimes.
  • They are often more accepting than the average person.

Most homosexual people are loving, accepting, and caring, as was the case with this man who was trying to help a couple teenagers who were down on their luck.

Murder Charge

The 16-year-old has been charged with murder in this case and has admitted he killed the man. While he is still holding onto his self-defense case, hopefully the jury will see right through it. The 19-year-old man was charged with protecting a criminal. One can only hope justice will be served in this trial.


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