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Questions to Ask Before Tying the Knot

Rainbow colored rings

Same-sex marriage is now legal nationwide in the United States. Many gay couples who lived in states that did not recognize gay marriage have gotten married since then. The change in the law was good news for same-sex couples in all 50 states, whether it was legalized already in their state or not. With it being a nationwide law, it makes things less fuzzy when it comes to things like claiming benefits from your spouse’s job or getting married in one state and moving to another. Still, just because same-sex marriage is legal does not mean that every gay couple should rush to get married. In any relationship, there are questions you should ask yourself before deciding whether or not to get married. Remember, a marriage is a commitment to spend the rest of your lives together, so it’s an important step. Here are some things to evaluate before committing to get married.

Think About Your Differences

You and your partner are going to have some differences. It is impossible to find someone who has literally every single thing in common with you. Why would you want to, anyway? That would make things very boring. Still, there are some differences that make it difficult to stay together. These things should be evaluated before getting married so they don’t become an issue later. Some of the most common deal breakers can include things like:

  • Whether or not you want to have children
  • Where you would like to live once you are married (Does one want to stay put while the other wants to move to another state?)

Religion can be another potential issue. If one of you is devout in your religion while the other either has a different religion or simply doesn’t believe in God at all, things can be difficult. People of different religions can get married and have a successful relationship. Still, it’s something that should be thoroughly discussed to see if it is something you can both deal with.

Family Support

Unfortunately, you may experience some backlash from your family if they are not on board with your sexual orientation. Sometimes, people think of homosexuality as a phase, and they might think you will “change your mind” down the road. You know this isn’t true, but it’s a state of denial they are in. Because of this, talking about marrying someone of the same sex can really throw them for a loop. They may adjust with time, but you may have to deal with family members who will never support your relationship. This can be a hard pill to swallow.

A lack of family support can put a huge strain on the relationship. It definitely shouldn’t be a deal breaker, as you will likely experience this response from your family with any same-sex partner you have. However, it is important that you support each other during this time instead of turning against each other. Not having all of your family members to support you can be incredibly difficult and unfortunately can lead to divorce or a break-up if you aren’t careful.

Tying the Knot

Trust is one of the most important aspects of nearly any relationship. Words cannot describe how important it is in a marriage. If you or your partner have had a breach of trust, it can be difficult to overcome. Before getting married, make sure all trust issues are addressed. You should both enter the marriage able to trust each other completely. If trust is not present, then the marriage is not likely to succeed.

Marriage is an exciting and wonderful thing, but only if you are with the right person. Asking yourself these questions can help you determine whether or not your partner is the person you want to spend the rest of your life with.

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