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Picking the Perfect Song for Your First Dance

gay couple listing to music to pick their first dance song
Picking a song for your first dance can be a fun but trying challenge

There are certain moments during a wedding that tend to stand out as truly memorable. The kiss shared between the couple once the union is official is a great example of this. However, you don’t need to put much thought behind this moment from a planning perspective. Selecting the right song for your first dance, on the other hand, is definitely something you should dedicate effort to. But picking out the perfect tune to highlight this part of your event is not always easy for couples. 

Tastes in music can vary greatly between people, and couples are no exception. Still, these tips can help you create a plan and find a song that is ideal for your big day.

Start With “Your Songs”

Music tends to play a big part in most romantic entanglements. When a person falls in love, they are more likely to feel upbeat, inspired, and connected to the sensory world. This is why so many couples notice and remember details like what song was playing during a first date. However, the songs that you love together are not always the perfect fit for a dance at your wedding. Whether the musical styles don’t fit the occasion or the lyrics aren’t romantic enough, there are plenty of reasons to seek other tunes. 

Begin With Lyrical Content

If you’re starting totally from scratch, then you may feel overwhelmed with how many choices are in front of you. It is nearly impossible to calculate how many songs have been recorded by musicians over the years, let alone how many tunes have been written over the entire course of human history. Thankfully, you can easily refine your search by focusing solely on songs that have a theme of love. Romantic tunes are perfect for a first dance, though this still might be a huge number to wade through. 

Dive Into Shared Interests

No matter how different music tastes are between partners, there is usually some overlap. To make life easier, dig into romantic songs that fall into a category of music that you both enjoy in some capacity. Whether these are tunes that you’re familiar with or entirely new to your ears, a little exploration can be worth the time. In fact, you can have a lot of fun by simply spending a night together going through music choices on Spotify or YouTube. Unlike planning tasks that add to your stress, this is one that can easily defuse tension. 

Consider “Dance-ability

Though countless songs exist to fit a romantic theme, not all of them are great for dancing purposes. In fact, you may find that a good chunk of these tunes are a bit slower than you’d like. While the song doesn’t need to be incredibly upbeat, you want it to have a rhythm that helps you move in a natural and motivated way. Plus, too slow of a song is best to avoid because it can lull the guests into a quieter mood. Keep things energized, and it will set the tone for the party to follow. 

Break the First Dance Rules

If you do a web search for songs to use for your first dance, you will surely come across the same tunes over and over. Though it is an amazing song, “At Last,” as sung by Etta James, is used by more couples than can be counted. There’s nothing wrong with opting for a classic that is played at numerous weddings but it’s also fun to break the rules and choose a song that is less expected.  

Your wedding is composed of many special moments and the first dance is one your family and friends will really remember. Put in effort when selecting a song and do justice to your first opportunity to wow a crowd as a married team.

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