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Considering Finances When Getting Married

Silver wedding rings on one hundred dollars bill background representing finances when getting married

When you ask someone why they want to get married, you might expect them to respond by telling you they want to spend the rest of their life with the person they love, or because it is a day they have envisioned for a long time. You might not even think about considering finances when getting married. However, many same-sex couples say that one of the reasons they want to get married is for extra financial security. In fact, half of the couples surveyed put financial security as one of the top reasons for getting married.

While financial security certainly shouldn’t be your one and only reason for marrying someone, it is true that getting married can provide some financial benefits. It makes sense that some couples want to take advantage of these benefits by getting married sooner rather than later. If you are getting ready for your big day, you and your partner should be considering finances when getting married.

Consider Your Debt

Most Americans have at least some debt. Whether it’s credit card debt, unpaid medical bills, or a high interest rate on a credit card, debt can be hard to get out of. Perhaps you have worked hard to become debt free by paying your debts off gradually with each paycheck and avoiding loans for things you cannot afford. While this is great, it’s important to be aware of your partner’s debt situation. It may be that while you don’t have any debt, your future spouse is thousands of dollars in the hole. This isn’t necessarily a dealbreaker, but it is something that should be discussed. If being debt free is important to you, make a plan to help your partner pay off their debt.

Perhaps you are the one with the debt while your partner has a squeaky clean financial record. Don’t hide this information from him or her. It’s important for both people to be fully aware of each other’s financial situation, and that includes debt.

Budget Conscious

Getting married can help you financially. If the two of you are working, then you bring in a joint income to pay for your expenses. However, that won’t matter much if the two of you don’t know how to budget or don’t agree on how to spend your money. It’s important that you are both on the same page when it comes to your finances. Here are a few things to consider:

  • How much do you plan on putting in savings each month?
  • Are there charities that you like contributing to?
  • Do you enjoy modern day luxuries such as cable and high speed internet, and is it something your partner is willing to pay for?

Not only do you need to have a smart plan for how to spend your money, you also need to agree on how to do it.

Healthcare Benefits

One of the great things about getting married is taking advantage of your spouse’s healthcare benefits. If you do not have insurance or have an expensive plan, this can save you hundreds of dollars each month. Since medicare is important, it’s nice to know that you can get a better insurance plan after getting married.

Things can change for you quite a bit financially after getting married. To make sure these changes are for the better, talk with your spouse about potential debt issues and discuss how the budget should be handled. Figuring out these things beforehand can help prevent problems for you later.

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