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How To Take Care of Yourself as Your Big Day Approaches

Woman sleeping in bed

Preparing for your wedding can easily add a lot of stress to your mind, body, and spirit. Though you might expect this to a degree, you should take active steps in order to keep yourself in good health. You want to enjoy your big day without having to worry about acne breakouts, feelings of exhaustion, or a prevailing sense of anger. Review these basic tips and see how you can best take care of yourself in the weeks leading up to your nuptials. 

Get Plenty of Sleep to Take Care of Yourself

When your day is loaded with tasks like talking to vendors, writing invitations, and picking out floral arrangements, you may find yourself staying up much later than usual. Unfortunately, this is an easy way to make yourself ill. Proper rest is crucial for your immune system, meaning you’re more likely to feel unwell when you’re sacrificing slumber in order to work out the details of your wedding. Getting about eight hours of uninterrupted sleep each night should be your goal when taking care of yourself. 

Since getting proper rest is a challenge for many, there are a few actions you can take to encourage better sleep. For one, limit your time on your phone before bed. Studies suggest that the blue light from digital devices can trick the brain into staying awake. Instead of scrolling your social feeds, grab a book you’ve been wanting to read. Once you start feeling drowsy, stop reading and let yourself slip into sleep. 

Focus on Taking Care of Your Skin

Most couples want to have radiant skin on their wedding day. To encourage a healthy epidermis, establish a consistent skincare regimen as early as possible. Start with cleansing, using a product that has been formulated for the type of skin you have. Next, use a toner to refresh your skin. Following this, use spot treatments to reduce the appearance of blemishes. Finally, utilize a moisturizer to keep your skin from drying out. Beauty experts advise using a moisturizer containing SPF if you spend a lot of time outdoors, as this will limit the odds of burning or sun damage. 

It is important to begin a self-care routine as early as possible so that your skin can adapt to the process. Making drastic adjustments to how you cleanse a few weeks before the wedding can actually lead to breakouts. As long as you have at least a month until the big day, your skin will have time to grow accustomed to the change. 

Make Time for Exercise

Working out before a wedding is about a lot more than getting your body ready for photos. In fact, daily exercise can reduce stress and elevate your mood. According to mental health professionals, physical activities that increase your heart rate can help regulate cortisol and other stress hormones in your body. Exercise also releases endorphins, which can contribute to a better emotional state. The next time you start to feel anxiety over your nuptials, set aside 30 minutes for a quick workout, and see how it changes your disposition. 

Practice Mindfulness and Meditation

Dealing with a sense of restlessness as your wedding grows closer? Mindfulness and meditation can offer a perfect solution. To be more mindful, focus on your surroundings with intention. Take note of sights, sounds, and scents that are in your immediate vicinity. Doing this regularly can ground you and ease feelings of stress. Meditation, similarly, is about centering your mind during moments of turmoil. Sit in a place that makes you feel calm, close your eyes, and pay attention to your breathing. Doing this daily can lift your spirits and offer more focus.

Taking care of yourself as your big day approaches can often seem easier said than done. However, focusing on manageable tasks like meditating and exercising can have a profound impact on how much stress you experience.

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