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Get Better Rest Before Your Wedding

Man trying to get better rest looking at an alarm clock
Stop staring at your clock all night long and get better rest with these tips.

Putting together an event like a wedding can easily become an exhausting task. When you are responsible for arranging everything from guest lists to catering menus, you may find that there is very little time left over for you to rest. In fact, studies have shown that many couples experience increased levels of fatigue during this time. In order to avoid falling apart from a lack of proper rest, look at how you and your partner can achieve better sleep together. Review these tips and create a sleep strategy that actually works.

Be Conscientious About Cuddles

There are some nights when sleeping entwined with your partner might not seem very appealing. If the summer months have brought about some humid and sticky air, for example, then cuddling in bed may be an incredibly uncomfortable experience. However, research has shown that a little bit of cuddling can go a long way when it comes to both encouraging better sleep and bonding with your partner. This doesn’t mean you need to ignore your discomfort, of course. Instead of interlocking your limbs all night, experts suggest a little bit of cuddling until you’re ready to drift off.

Separate the Blankets

One of the most commonplace complaints couples have has to do with blankets. How often have you woken up in the morning to realize that either you or your partner is completely wrapped in all the bedding? Instead of arguing over who is stealing the blankets, you may find that it is more productive to have separate sheets for each of you. By doing this, you can guarantee that there will be fewer arguments over who is hogging the covers. Plus, you’ll rest better when you aren’t fighting for comfort in your sleep. 

Try an Activity

If both you and your partner are struggling to sleep, you may find that it is a good choice to create a pre-bed ritual together. These days, plenty of people end their days by aimlessly scrolling through their phones. Though a normal occurrence, looking at your phone before bed is one of the worst things you can do for your ability to fall asleep. Instead of partaking in this mindless habit, consider an activity meant to encourage sleep. Guided meditation, reading, and conversation can all make for perfect alternatives that you and your partner can experience together. 

Target the Issue

Couples will struggle to fall asleep for a variety of reasons. In many cases, medical issues might be to blame. Someone suffering from sleep apnea is likely to snore, which causes restless sleep in both the afflicted and the one who must listen to the nasal noises all night. By visiting with a specialist, you can figure out how to best handle the apnea and reduce the odds of terrible and powerful snores preventing both of you from finding the rest you desire. 

Create Different Bedtimes

Going to sleep at the same time can seem nice, but it is not always practical. One of the best and most efficient ways of encouraging excellent slumber is by going to bed when the time is right. If you’re struggling to fall asleep, see if going to bed at a different time than your partner helps. Cater your sleep schedule to the parameters of your own life, not your significant other’s schedule, and it may make it much easier to drift off when you hit the pillow. 

Getting proper sleep is often easier said than done. If you’re planning your nuptials and unable to achieve the rest you’d like, now is a perfect time to take a step back and learn more about what options you have. A few adjustments to your schedule can often go a long way to aiding you in getting the restful slumber you are after.

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