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How To Stay Healthy Before Your Big Day

Black couple exercising together to stay healthy

A lot of time, energy, and money go into putting together a perfect wedding. With so much on the line, the last thing you want is to feel unwell when the big day arrives. To feel your best when walking down the aisle, there are several habits you should adopt in the weeks leading up to your wedding. Explore these suggestions and put together a daily routine that helps you feel as healthy as possible.

Stay Hydrated

According to experts, the average person should be drinking about eight glasses of water each day. Unfortunately, statistics highlight that more than half of adults in the United States fall short of this goal. Water is vital to staying healthy because it helps to regulate your body temperature, flushes out toxins, maximizes physical performance, and improves overall brain performance. If you’re struggling to drink the recommended amount of water, try carrying around a refillable bottle. Having a bottle nearby can provide an easy visual reminder to hydrate throughout your day. 

Take Your Vitamins

A majority of the nutrients your body needs are absorbed through the foods you consume on a daily basis. Depending on your diet, however, you may not be getting enough of certain vitamins and minerals. One of the best ways to overcome this is by taking a daily multivitamin. This decision can be especially helpful in the weeks leading up to your wedding, as you might feel too busy to prepare the healthy meals that you’re used to. While a standard multivitamin serves to cover nutritional gaps, special blends are also available to meet specific dietary needs. 

Get Proper Sleep

Recent studies have pointed out that about 60 million Americans have difficulty getting enough sleep each night. If you identify with this, then you need to take extra steps to get the rest you need. Sleep has a direct impact on your immune system. This means that you’re more likely to get sick when you aren’t sleeping well. One easy step toward better rest is avoiding your phone right before bed, as the light from the device keeps your brain alert and awake. Instead of scrolling your social feeds, grab a book and read a few pages to feel sleepy. 

Not all sleep problems are easy to overcome. If you find yourself struggling with insomnia or waking up throughout the night, speaking to a sleep specialist is the most practical way to discover a solution.


Plenty of couples start exercise regimens before their weddings in order to get their bodies in the perfect shape for photos. However, there are a ton of additional health benefits that come along with daily exercise. By engaging in physical activity that raises your heart rate, you’re promoting better circulation. This, in turn, boosts your immune system and makes it easier for your body to fight off foreign agents that threaten your health. You don’t need to make your workout routine complicated, either. An activity as simple as a daily run can be a great way to stay physically fit. 

Keep Your Hands Clean

The last thing you want to have happen is getting sick on your wedding day. Whether you’re shopping at the grocery store or using a public restroom, your hands are coming in contact with an untold number of germs. By getting into the habit of washing your hands frequently with warm water and soap, you can significantly reduce the odds of getting sick. It is also wise to avoid touching your face, eyes, and mouth throughout the day, even if you have only been hanging around your house. 

While getting sick isn’t always easy to avoid, there are plenty of steps you can take to give your body a fighting chance at staying healthy. By getting into the right habits early, you’re more likely to feel your best on your big day.

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