Five Wedding Ceremony Ideas for Same-Sex Couples

Same-sex couples are free to marry legally throughout the United States, thanks to the landmark decision of the Supreme Court in 2015. Millions of people can now have their unions solemnized and are entitled to all the rights afforded within. As a queer person who wants to marry the love of your life, you may feel pressured to come up with a ceremony that incorporates many traditions seen in heterosexual unions. The reality is that once you meet certain state requirements, you are free to plan your special day as you see fit. Consider these five wedding ceremony ideas for your event.
Coming Down the Aisle
The idea of a bride being given away by a father or father figure to a groom has old-fashioned roots. With a same-sex union, being given away by a parent may or may not really apply. You might prefer instead to walk each other down the aisle. After all, you are embarking on a new phase of life together as spouses. Walking together is symbolic of the two of you starting that journey as partners. Your wedding will be a joyous occasion, so dancing down the aisle might be an even better way to come in.
Choosing the Attire
A tried-and-true approach to nuptials’ fashion involves a bride in white and a groom in a black tuxedo. Marriage equality and freedom of gender expression mean that you and your partner can break all the rules concerning your attire. Consider wearing matching outfits as a reflection of two becoming one. Regardless of gender identity, you and your partner may prefer the support offered by a pair of pants, or the freer nature of a dress may be your speed. It’s your marriage. Wear whatever you want!
Picking the Wedding Party
Your same-sex marriage might not include any brides, so let’s ditch the idea of a bridal party and go with a wedding party instead. You get to choose who stands next to you on your important day. Your wedding party doesn’t have to follow gender norms. You could have a “man” of honor or a best woman showing love and support at your associated events. There could be people of various genders on either side of the soon-to-be newlyweds. Folks that live outside the gender binary can do without gender-based titles altogether. If “bridespersons” and “groomspersons” weren’t words before, they certainly are now!
Giving Gifts Instead of Rings
While wedding bands transcend culture and generations as a marriage symbol, you are free to exchange other gifts, wearable or not, as part of the celebration. You can share a special family heirloom with your partner, indicative of that person joining your family. Perhaps there are keepsakes that are more emblematic of your relationship and the life ahead. You can incorporate any number or variety of gifts into your wedding ceremony as an alternative to rings. Ditch the ring bearer altogether or turn him, her, or them into a gift bearer instead. It’s your day and your way!
Including Others in a Vow Exchange
Although you are pledging your love to one person, the exchange of vows can involve other people. A reading of vows by others who are near and dear can be very special. Were you introduced to your partner by a dear friend? Ask that person to be a part of the reading of the vows. Are you both surrounded by a family entirely of your own choosing? Celebrate your chosen village by including them in the ceremony in some meaningful way.
While every state has specific rules related to marriage, same-sex weddings are legal throughout the US. As long as you meet the minimum requirements where you live, it’s up to you and your future spouse to decide on the details of your marriage ceremony. You and your partner can adopt and adapt any wedding traditions you choose to make your special day all that you’ve dreamed of. Hopefully these five wedding ceremony ideas will help you plan the perfect day.