Wedding Website FAQ: Why You Need It and What To Include

You’ve lovingly crafted your wedding website. You fussed over details such as its theme and font. Carefully, you curated the best photos of you and your spouse-to-be. All the vital details are there. But your guests still call, text, and email tons of questions. So what’s wrong? You need a wedding website FAQ. Keep reading to learn what a FAQ is and how to write one for your website.
Frequently Asked Questions
Your guests need wedding details in a clear, organized, and easy-to-access format. That’s exactly what a FAQ does. FAQ stands for “frequently asked questions” – like the ones your guests text to you over and over again. You get tired of answering them, and your fam’s embarrassed to keep asking. With a FAQ, they can find the info they need right on your website.
Time Poverty and Your Guests
Your guests may be a diverse group, but many of them are time-poor. And truth be told, you are too. Collins Dictionary defines it as having little spare or leisure time. It’s that feeling of “not enough hours in the day.” Work or schooling plus childcare and housework leave little time for anything else. But a FAQ saves everyone’s time.
Goldfish Attention Spans
Human attention spans have also shortened. Digital Information World says that the average human pays attention for about 8.25 seconds. Goldfish can do the same thing for around 9 seconds. Forgetfulness is also a factor. Almost 40% of Americans forget a basic piece of info or lose an important item at least once a week. A FAQ puts vital information within easy reach.
Vital Info for Your FAQ
Wedding Wire’s Kim Forrest lists common questions and answers for wedding FAQs. Place the basic details first: date, time, location, and recommended arrival time. Dress code, parking, directions, and RSVP info should also go near the top of the document.
After the basics, you’ll want to mention other vital details. Parents need to know if they can bring their kids. Guests should know how to inform you of dietary needs. For guests with disabilities, list accessibility points like ramps, elevators, and restrooms.
Forrest mentions many more example questions. You can tweak your FAQ for your crowd’s needs. And if you’re stuck for other content to include, check out Joy’s FAQ guide.
Avoiding Walls of Text
Ever have your brain nope out when reading a huge block of text? It’s not just you. As time and attention spans have shortened, people want key information fast. If they can’t find it, they will skip large blocks of text no matter how well written they are.
So your FAQ shouldn’t be a dissertation. But how do you present the info your guests need? The University of Arizona offers seven tips for concise writing:
- Write in the active voice.
- Use straightforward language.
- Don’t start sentences with “there is,” “there are,” or “it is.”
- Cut out unneeded and redundant phrases.
- Shorten wordy sentences.
- Remove extra nouns.
- Cut out filler words like “of” or “up.”
Before you hit the “publish” button, check out some useful writing tools online. Hemingway scans your text for complex and wordy sentences. It also shows you other missteps like passive voice and spelling errors. Grammarly checks your text and offers feedback on errors, readability, and tone.
An Essential Time-Saving Tool
Now you know why your cousin keeps asking about your wedding date. It’s probably not his fault. But he can get the deets right on your FAQ page – provided it’s clear, concise, and organized. Relevance is also key to writing a great FAQ. And don’t forget to inject a bit of personality into your writing. With a wedding website FAQ, your guests can get the info they want – and your phone will be a little quieter before the big day.