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Dealing With Post-Wedding Blues

Married couple consoling each other to help the partner dealing with post-wedding blues.

If you’re like many couples, you probably spent a year or more planning your wedding. When your big day is over, you may feel down or anxious about the next stage of your life. This is a natural feeling after a major life event, but you can expect the feeling to go away. It’s important to look at why you’re feeling the way you do and to find methods of dealing with post-wedding blues.

Why Do Couples Get Post-Wedding Blues?

Wedding planning is exciting and all-consuming. You have your friends and family around you while you’re going through the activities. It feels good to have this support and to have a goal in mind. When you get home from your honeymoon, it can almost feel anticlimactic.

You might be wondering what you have to look forward to now. There’s this feeling like your best days are behind you. Being aware of post-wedding blues and being proactive to manage your feelings can help you take healthy steps toward managing your emotions after the wedding.

Handle Post-Wedding Chores Together

The wedding might be over, but your job isn’t done until you’ve wrapped everything up. Work together to write thank-you notes and make sure all the vendors get paid and you leave appropriate reviews. Create photo memory albums for your family and your friends, and personalize them so that no two are alike. Review social media accounts of your wedding to see how your guests saw your wedding. Plan time together to handle these things after the wedding so nothing gets missed.

Make Plans To Create Your Life Together

The wedding was a goal that you both were working towards. While you’re planning the event, have some discussions about what to do after the honeymoon to build your life together. It could be something as simple as taking an art or dance class together as a date night. Maybe it’s more complex, like planning a move or a home renovation project. The event itself might have ended, but your life together is just starting.

Start New Traditions Together

Create healthy habits together after the wedding. If you used mindfulness or gratitude journaling to help manage your mental health before the big day, make it a point to continue these practices afterward. Plan one night a week to cook a healthy meal together or to meal prep for the rest of the week. Make Thursday morning special by cooking breakfast before leaving for work. Give yourself something to look forward to after the wedding that establishes a routine.

Stay Connected To Your New Partner

Doing something unexpected or out of the ordinary can help fight post-wedding blues. Have a candlelit dinner or dine al fresco once a month. Listen to your wedding playlist when you drive to the grocery store. Take a moonlit walk or watch the sunrise together with a special coffee or tea blend.

Find small ways to connect with your partner to make each of you feel more secure and loved. It’s not always the big moments in life that are remembered, but the daily moments that are made more fun by being together.

Consider Counseling

Dealing with a new stage in your life can be complicated. If you’re feeling lethargic or isolated after the wedding, you may be experiencing some post-wedding blues. Sometimes, a professional counselor can help provide resources and tools that can get you through a difficult time quicker than you could on your own. It’s worth considering marriage counseling or even personal counseling if you are struggling after your wedding. Don’t let dealing with post-wedding blues keep you from living your best life together with your partner.

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