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Answers to Common Wedding Questions

two hearts separated by a question mark representing common wedding questions and answers.

Putting together a wedding can bring up a lot of questions, from big concerns regarding the timeline to more specific queries related to trends. It can be useful to find answers to some of these common wedding questions to put your mind at ease. Since trying to tackle all of your questions at once can be overwhelming, you may want to cover a few at a time.

Am I Starting Too Soon?

One of the biggest questions couples might grapple with is whether they are starting the planning process too soon. There is a natural excitement that comes with making big life steps. Putting a ring on your finger might trigger the part of you that wants to dive right into ironing out all the details of your nuptials. If you feel like you might be rushing things, you can rest easy knowing it is never too early to start planning. In fact, booking certain vendors and services far in advance will usually work to your advantage.

The only aspect of your wedding plan you should delay is sending out save-the-dates and invitations to guests. Putting these in the mail too early means guests may forget about the event by the time it grows closer. Traditionally, save-the-dates for a domestic wedding should be sent out about six months before the date. For international and destination events, you should give a year’s notice. Invitations are officially sent about eight weeks before the wedding.

Are Videographers Still Popular?

The concept of the wedding video has always been a strange one. Many couples from previous decades will admit to never watching their own videos after the initial viewing. What’s more, digital photography has advanced to a level that a majority of people are satisfied with receiving only pictures that they can share on social media. However, this doesn’t mean that investing in a videographer is a bad idea. While the trend is not as common as it once was, hiring a video professional can offer you the chance to capture your big night in a unique way. 

Digital video capabilities have also come a long way. Previously you’d receive a VHS or DVD that you’ll put on a shelf and forget about. Now the videographer can provide you with a digital file that you can use however you’d like. Some photographers work closely with videographers and can offer package deals to couples. Regardless of the discount, it’s still an expense to budget for when weighing the pros and cons. 

How Does Alcohol Work With an Open Bar?

Opting for an open bar at your wedding is a great way to encourage your guests to let loose. Naturally, you probably want to know more about how this works. Typically, the venue will put forth rules and regulations about what couples can do. Some venues, for example, will only allow beer and wine to be served. Other rules might allow for liquor, but only brands and bottles procured by the venue manager. These details and information on price will generally be covered when you make an appointment to view a potential venue. 

What Even Is a “Wedding Hashtag”? 

Whether you’re part of a generation that doesn’t care about social media or you’re an individual who likes to stay away from the internet, you might have some confusion when it comes to concepts like the wedding hashtag. Though it can seem silly, a hashtag for your wedding actually makes a lot of practical sense. Clicking the hashtag on a social site will bring up all content featuring the tag so you can see your big day from the perspectives of all those in attendance. 

From hashtags to hashing out the details of the open bar, you have a lot of ground to cover before you get married. Stay familiar with these answers to common wedding questions to help plan in advance for any possible setbacks.

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