Interesting Wedding Trends for Same-Sex Couples

Same-sex couples have a very interesting road in front of them when it comes to marriage. While many countries around the world have taken the progressive step to legalize these unions, there are other factors that stand in the way. For a vast majority of human history, the act of marriage was limited to one man and one woman. Since same-sex weddings change this, they can drastically alter a number of traditions and rituals associated with marriage ceremonies. While this can be confusing, it can also be invigorating as interesting new wedding trends emerge.
Instead of feeling bogged down by the weight of a million wedding traditions that have no meaning to you and your partner, you can explore whatever options you like. One excellent way to get this process started is by taking a look at what some same-sex couples have opted to do with their own events. A little inspiration might be all it takes to get your special day up and running.
Party Problems
One of the more common features of a wedding between a man and a woman is the bridal party. While a number of same-sex couples have opted to keep this feature at their events, there are even more who have done away with the trend. Couples who keep the bridal party will often change the name to have it make more sense for the event. For example, a same-sex wedding with two grooms is not going to have any need for a “bridal” party. Similarly, calling the party “groomsmen” doesn’t always quite fit either.
Whether you opt to have a traditional bridal party, you decide to call it something else, or you forego the option entirely, there are a couple of considerations. The point of the bridal party is to involve some of your closest friends and family members on your big day. Should you decide against the bridal party, there are still countless exciting ways for you to get everyone you care about involved in the wedding.
Naming Conventions
Another common obstacle same-sex couples encounter has to do with names. Traditionally speaking, it’s commonplace for a bride to take the last name of the groom once the wedding has ended. Nowadays, straight couples are moving away from this trend. Many women have opted to keep their own last names or create a hyphenated blend of maiden names and married names. For same-sex couples, the problem is similar. When two people of the same gender tie the knot, there are several questions involved centering around who will adopt which name.
In truth, you do not have to do anything with your name after you and your partner have gotten married. For many, the act of taking a partner’s last name is more symbolic than anything else. Instead of swapping names, play around with other ideas. You might want to create an entirely new surname for the both of you by combining your existing last names in an amalgamation. Should this seem too extreme, hyphenated last names are always an acceptable option.
Party All Night
Finally, a huge trend for same-sex couples seems to come in the form of partying. While it might be somewhat common for straight couples to host parties after their wedding ceremonies have ended, same-sex couples take this idea to heart. According to recent studies, more than half of same-sex couples opted to have after-parties. This is a great way to keep the excitement of the night going with those you care about the most.
Though same-sex marriage might still be something new, it is only a matter of time before the traditions become cemented. Hopefully some of these interesting wedding trends pique your interest. Explore your options, and consider yourself something of a trailblazer as you find the right fit for your special day.