Creating a Schedule for Your Big Day

When your wedding is approaching, you’re going to start feeling a bit of pressure. Even if you consider yourself a relaxed person, there’s something about the “final countdown” that can make even the most confident of people feel a bit nervous. One way to alleviate your stress is by coming up with a schedule for your big day. Having a specific timeline to follow can help minimize the odds of a problem and give you a simple guide to follow at each and every turn. Give yourself a moment to look over these tips for creating a schedule for your wedding day. Crafting an itinerary is a surefire way to keep yourself and your guests on the right track.
Rehearsal Time
Are you having a rehearsal dinner before your wedding? If so, then this is a great place to begin. The rehearsal is your chance to get together with the members of your wedding party and run through all of the details of the actual ceremony. Rehearsals are a very big help for parties with members traveling from afar. Of course, your entire party might also be located in a centralized area, but even if this is the case, you may want a rehearsal dinner to bring people together and unwind before the actual event.
Arranging the rehearsal should not be a huge issue. Most couples schedule the rehearsal dinner for the night before the wedding. The dinner itself should start sometime in the evening, but you may want to schedule extra time earlier as a buffer while your friends and family members arrive. Ask guests to arrive an hour early to make sure everyone gets there in a timely manner and there are no delays. If you worry about guests drinking too much at the rehearsal, schedule it two days before the wedding to allow an extra day for recovery.
Wedding Day
Scheduling your actual wedding day will require a bit more thought. You need to have all relevant bits of information about vendors handy while creating this schedule. In the morning, for example, you want to know what time your hair and makeup professionals will arrive. Put this information on your schedule so that you always know exactly what you should be doing and which vendors you should be looking for. As with the rehearsal dinner, you may find that allocating extra time for simple tasks can be very useful.
You may also find it is helpful to be a bit flexible with your schedule. Delays can happen due to circumstances beyond your control. If you are adhering to a timeline in a rigid way, then it can cause stress. When you are a bit more loose with your scheduling, it makes it easier to find a practical solution without disrupting the events of the day.
The Following Morning
Finally, think about any events you may have scheduled for the day after your wedding. Some couples like to bring together close family members and friends the morning after the wedding. Taking a handful of guests out to brunch can be a lovely way to close out the festivities and enjoy a more intimate gathering with loved ones. If you’re heading to the airport for your honeymoon, be sure to give yourself plenty of time to enjoy your meal and make your flight in a timely manner.
It is easy to stress when your wedding is approaching. In order to feel more confident about the experience, creating a schedule can be helpful. Craft a timeline that works for your needs, and see how it improves the process and helps you feel a bit more relaxed about your big day.