Wedding Planning Advice for Same-Sex Couples

In 2015, same-sex couples were granted the right to marry in the United States of America. Since then, untold numbers of happy individuals have taken advantage of the ruling. Maybe you and your significant other have been mulling over the idea of marriage. Now might be a good time for you to look over some of the legwork you’ll need to do. A lot of work goes into planning for a wedding. While you may already know this, you probably also have a few questions about how to plan a same-sex affair. Though essentially the same as a heterosexual wedding, there are definitely going to be a few areas where you and your partner might have questions about planning. To help yourself along your way, take a look at these basic bits of advice for same-sex couples and see what you need to do when planning your dream wedding.
Tradition and Ritual
Right off the bat, you and your partner might be a bit confused on how to plan an event. This is especially true with weddings as they have mainly been geared toward heterosexual couples. While planning, you’ll definitely notice a lot of “the bride does this” and “the groom does that.” There are far fewer resources for couples looking to plan a wedding for two brides or two grooms. This can make the process a little more complicated. Luckily, traditions and rituals surrounding marriage are always changing. You can use these natural shifts to your advantage throughout the process.
Remember that traditions do not need to be followed in any specific way. The best way to get the planning process started is by writing down the rituals you’re most interested in incorporating. For example, a two-groom wedding might include the bouquet toss. Since this is predominantly a “bride activity,” you and your partner will need to put a unique spin on the way you utilize the tradition in your own reception. Get creative and only use rituals that hold some kind of significance to you and your partner.
Closet Concerns
Another interesting problem you might run into while planning for a wedding is realizing you or your partner are not “totally out” to specific people in your social circles. When first coming out of the closet, you probably made it a point to talk to your closest friends and family members. While word typically spreads, you also could wind up in a position where some extended relatives never learned about your sexuality. Though every person in your life doesn’t need a personalized “I’m gay” announcement, it may be an issue when you plan your wedding.
You definitely don’t need to come out to each and every person coming to your wedding. Still, you may realize that an important person in your life never got the memo. If you realize that a relative or good friend is in the dark about your sexuality, you might want to make it a point to have a private conversation so there aren’t any surprises. Still, you may also find it’s totally acceptable to “announce” your sexuality when you mail out the invitations. Do what works best for you, and you’ll discover the most sensible path.
Legal Concerns
Finally, remember to look over all of the laws in your state about same-sex marriage. Though it has been legalized across the United States, there are lawmakers who still make life difficult for LGBT couples. Stay aware of “religious exemption laws,” and you will be able to get through your wedding without a bigoted reaction.
When you and your partner decide to tie the knot, you want to make sure you took the time to cover all of your bases. Take this advice and learn more about the special planning considerations same-sex couples need to take, and get your wedding plans started.