What To Do After Your Wedding

Planning a wedding has a way of totally dominating a person’s life. From organizing guest responses to last-minute adjustments with your vendors, it feels like you can’t catch your breath until the entire ordeal comes to a close. What many couples discover, however, is that the comedown from the wedding highs can be significant. When the dust has settled, you may not be sure what to do. Do you carry on as normal? Do you take time to make this post-nuptial period special? It can be difficult, but there are a ton of easy ideas to explore.
Soak It Up
Obviously, your first step should be to relax and enjoy what you’ve accomplished. Weddings might be commonplace events, but planning one is anything but simple. Now that you’re officially a married unit, soak up all the feelings of pride and fulfillment you feel. Since couples often rush from the wedding to the honeymoon, you may not have a moment to fully appreciate the weight of the moment until you’ve returned home from your trip. Try to linger on your sense of appreciation for a minute and give yourself the pat on the back you both deserve.
Take Care of the Legal Stuff
Outside of completing the marriage license, there are a few other legal steps some couples should consider. If either of you plan on changing your name to reflect your union, it is best to start on this task as soon as possible. You’ll need to compile a list of all the organizations and services that will require updating on your change of name, as well as go through the proper channels to make the change legal. Try not to forget any accounts, as it can cause annoying issues if a discrepancy appears down the line.
Send Some Thanks
Putting thank-you notes into the mail is a step most couples know to tackle fast. However, there are other ways you may want to express gratitude. Plenty of people helped bring your big day to life. After your event has ended and you have a moment to reflect, you may have an impulse to show how truly appreciative you are. Whether you wish to send little tokens of affection to members of your wedding party or want to tell your family how much their help meant, this task should also be handled relatively soon.
Discuss the Next Step
Marriage is a big step in life, but it is far from the only major moment that comes along. In fact, it usually acts as a gateway to decisions with more important outcomes. For some, a wedding is the precursor to investing in a first home. Other couples use marriage as the platform to build a family, whether that involves attempting to get pregnant or beginning adoption processes in those first months after the big day. Talking to your significant other about this next step can be a nice way to have your first “real” conversation as a married unit.
Use Your Gifts
With so many things to keep track of on your wedding day, you may not have thought twice about the gifts you received. In the weeks after the event, put your gifts to good use! You likely were given a number of useful appliances or household items that you’ve been looking to invest in for a long while. This is a lot like being a kid after the holiday season, surrounded by a plethora of gadgets and toys that are all as new as they are exciting to try.
Though there is no one-size-fits-all model for how to spend the time after your wedding, there are plenty of easy steps to take in those earliest days. Create a plan that works for you and bask in the glow of your union.