Post-Engagement Planning: Don’t Rush It!

Getting engaged can bring on an intense rush of emotions. Actually, it can also give you a pretty impressive adrenaline boost. You’ll find yourself completely caught up in all of the good vibes and well-wishes being sent your way by friends, family members, and random people you’ve met over the years. While these feelings can be intoxicating, they can also cause you to rush decisions that need a bit of deliberation. Showing a bit of restraint can help you immensely when it comes time to start planning your wedding. Even though you want to capitalize on your motivation while it’s coming on so strong, you’ll be better off waiting on certain tasks. Take a look at these post-engagement planning tips and avoid making too many choices too early in the process.
The Party
Your friends have been there for you through thick and thin. Chances are, the people you contacted to gush about your engagement are the same humans you’ll want in your wedding party. While there’s nothing wrong with picturing your party in your head, you might want to show a bit of reservation when it comes to asking anyone to participate. There are going to be a lot of people interested in talking about your wedding after the engagement. Ride the enjoyment without putting obligations on anyone just yet.
Waiting to ask your friends to be in your wedding party can also give you additional time to think about how you would like to ask them. While you don’t need to go crazy in this department, you can definitely think up a few sentimental or clever ways to present the question to your besties. You may also discover that a friend you hadn’t considered is offering more help than expected, which can help you make a late addition to the group without ruffling feathers.
Honeymoon Vision
A ton of ideas and emotions are going to hit you in the weeks (or even months) following your engagement. While brainstorming ideas for the future, you and your partner will most likely discuss the topic of your honeymoon. Specifically, you’ll probably both start rambling off your dream destinations to each other. Though it’s fun fantasizing about your first trip as a married couple, this should be lower on your priority list.
If you don’t have a date yet for your wedding, then you absolutely shouldn’t consider booking anything for your honeymoon. Don’t get ahead of yourself or you could find that you’ve double-booked your reception and your departure for the same day. To avoid a frustrating and expensive headache, be sure to pace yourself. Don’t start getting into the details of your honeymoon until you and your partner have had the chance to finalize all of the details surrounding your wedding.
All the Paperwork
Getting married involves a ton of paperwork. You need to file for a marriage license, fill out documents for merging bank accounts, and potentially discover how to legally change your name. While these tasks might seem important, they can wait until a little later. Focus on enjoying your engagement and figuring out the bigger picture for your big day. You’ll get to all of the legal documents at your own pace.
Post-engagement, it can feel natural to rush right into planning all of the details of your wedding. Fight this urge and try to soak up the good emotions while they’re still in abundance. You will have all the time in the world to stress over your wedding in the days to come.