Stay Calm on Your Wedding Day

Feeling jittery before your wedding is par for the course. Most people get a little bit nervous when faced with a huge life change like marriage. Should you feel a bit more concerned than normal, it might be a good idea for you to find ways to calm down. Stage fright is actually very common, and many couples experience intense levels of fear before being faced with the events of their wedding day. To get through all of these emotions, you need to think about how best to stay calm and move forward with your plans.
Remaining calm is often easier said than done. To feel the stress and anxiety melt away from you on the morning of your big day, you need to have a couple of tactics locked and loaded. Take a moment to look over these tips and see what methods might help you the most moving forward.
Short and Sweet
Stage fright can be funny. For many couples, the idea of standing in front of all their family members and friends can be a bit daunting. Not only do you need to go through the motions of the ceremony, you also need to make a bit of a spectacle at the reception. You and your partner are most likely going to need to take to the floor and complete the first dance of the night while all of your guests lovingly look on from the sides. Being the center of attention during this moment can produce a ton of anxiety.
When the fear of dancing for too long in front of your guests becomes a tangible worry, you want to make sure you are thinking through the most practical solutions. Instead of doing an elaborate dance routine with your partner, shorten the entire ordeal. It is your wedding, and you don’t have to dance if you don’t want to. Should you still want to cut a bit on the floor with your new spouse, you can shorten the length of the first dance and have your emcee bring everyone else onto the floor to join you in a celebratory dance.
Totems and Charms
In most cases, fear can be tricked into going away before it takes a serious toll. When you are nervous, it can be helpful to take a moment to think about what you can carry with you to ease your worries. Holding onto a particular charm from a family member or friend might be exactly what you need to maintain a sense of serenity. This little totem can be anything you wish, as long as it maintains some sort of personal connection for you and helps to put any fears you might have to rest.
Perhaps a close family member passes away before you had the chance to announce your engagement. In order to feel like this individual is present with you on your special day, make it a point to carry a small possession of his or hers during your event. This can be something simple like a necklace or bracelet or even something more complicated like a page from this person’s favorite book that you have tucked away in a safe place on your person. Find what holds personal meaning to you and you’ll find yourself becoming less stressed.
A wedding can easily become a stressful situation for brides and grooms. Emotions run high during these celebrations and can make people feel more worried than they thought they would. If you are looking to keep as calm as possible throughout the event, you need to take time to explore a few preliminary thoughts. Find the right solution to your fears and it can help you to get through your special day in a much more practical and comfortable manner.