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Break From Tradition for Your Wedding

Smashed wedding cake representing a break from wedding tradition

When it comes to traditions that date back many years, weddings are near the top of the list. Marriages have existed for as far back as recorded history goes. Some form of marriage ceremony exists in almost all cultures on the planet. The joining of two individuals is an important tradition that helps people to find solace in an otherwise cold and indifferent world. You and your partner might be quite excited about your upcoming wedding. Still, you may find there is a tradition or two you wish to break from during your wedding.

Same-sex unions are unique because there are not many precedents for how they should go. Discriminatory practices and general ignorance have made it all but impossible for same-sex couples to marry until recently. Now that the chance exists, hundreds of couples are realizing they don’t want to be a part of the hetero-normative traditions of the past. If you and your partner want to do your own thing, here are a few tips.

What to Wear

Ask anyone what a bride wears on her wedding day and you are most likely to be met with the response of “a white gown.” What happens when there are two brides? Or, more interestingly, what happens when there are no brides? Somewhat recent traditions dictate a man wears a tux and a woman wears a white dress. While plenty of heterosexual couples break this tradition on a regular basis, doing so is more of a necessity for same-sex couples. Do both brides actually want to wear white dresses? Do both grooms feel unique while wearing similar tuxes?

Breaking with tradition means throwing everything out the window. Forget white dresses. Forget black tuxedos. Wear whatever you want on your special day. People all over the world have different customs for what to wear on the big day. Instead of assuming you need to follow a tradition that never even included you in the first place, opt to make a tradition of your own. When you and your partner wear outfits that help to showcase your unique personalities, it will make for a much more enjoyable experience overall.

No Need to Rehearse

Another tradition you can do away with is the rehearsal dinner. Once, it was important for couples to have this dinner because it helped everyone involved with the wedding to be on the same page for the event. Nowadays, it is mainly used as an excuse for the wedding party to have a couple of drinks and eat a meal together. While this can be fun, you might want to make it a bit more personal. Go out with your wedding party and enjoy yourselves without the pretense of a rehearsal.

Incorporating Your Own Traditions

You may not want to follow most of the traditions that were set forth by others, but that does not mean you want to ignore everything that came before. Your family might have a specific tradition at weddings that you want to hold onto. If you and your partner are interested in incorporating specific traditions into your special day, then this can be an amazing way to break away from an old tradition of a wedding and infuse some new life into the entire process.

There are plenty of ways to get married on your own terms. You and your partner have a lifetime ahead of you to enjoy, and it all begins with your wedding. Explore what traditions might be the most interesting to keep and which you want to ditch. Doing this will give you a better understanding of what you want to get out of the ceremony and how you can come up with a celebration that matches the love you and your partner share.

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