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Patronizing Companies That Align With Your Beliefs

A man opening his button down shirt to reveal a rainbow who is patronizing companies that align with his beliefs

Being a smart shopper can be important for many reasons. While you may like to save money, being selective in the stores you visit provides some comfort to your spirits. While you and your partner have been preparing for your wedding, it stands to reason you have had to look at tons of vendors. During this search, you might find some businesses are less enthusiastic about doing work for a same-sex wedding than others. You want to be patronizing companies that make you feel comfortable. This is as important with the decisions surrounding your wedding as it is in your everyday life. Some companies are incredibly progressive in attitudes toward members of the LGBT community. Unfortunately, the opposite is also true, and many businesses out there use profits to fund anti-LGBT movements. Instead of focusing on the negative, it can be a great idea to look at which companies rank the best in regard to supporting same-sex relationships.

Coffee in a Cardboard Cup

Most people enjoy a hot cup of coffee to start the day. If you need a boost of caffeine to get you through a demanding schedule, you’ll be happy to discover Starbucks has consistently been ranked one of the most gay-friendly businesses out there. During the fight to legalize same-sex marriage, Starbucks proved to be one of the biggest supporters. The company offers benefits to same-sex couples and has been quite outspoken about the importance of diversity in the workplace and the world. The next time you’re in the mood for a double latte, make Starbucks your spot.

Money Makes the World Go ‘Round

Where you buy your coffee is only a small part of your daily equation. How did you pay for the coffee? If you’re someone who pays attention to your finances and enjoys consistently building your credit, you may like to use your credit card. Which company you align with is also an important decision to consider. Amongst all of the major credit providers, American Express has been shown to be the most supportive of LGBT causes. The company has included benefits for same-sex partners for a bit of time now.

It might not seem like much, but what company you sign up with for your credit card is important. Money is one of the most powerful forces in the current day and age. When the wrong people have lots of money at their disposal, leads to some troublesome situations for the planet. Fortunately, when good people with strong progressive beliefs continue to gain power in the business world, it can create a more open and understanding culture overall. Taking out a line of credit through American Express means you’re patronizing companies that appreciate diversity.

The Infinite Search

There are some companies you’re patronizing each day without even realizing it. When you’re on your smartphone and need to randomly look up a bit of information, chances are you’re using Google to find the top results. Most people use Google on a regular basis without thought due to its convenience and precise results. Luckily, Google is a leading force behind promoting change and acceptance for the LGBT community. This is not going to come as a surprise to anyone familiar with the open-minded and offbeat ways Google and similar Silicon Valley ventures go about business.

Being more conscious of which companies you give money and attention to can be wise. While it is impossible to know the exact intentions of large businesses, you can benefit by doing your research and giving your money to the companies that have gone above and beyond for the LGBT community. Explore other gay-friendly establishments, and you’re likely to feel a little better about the direction the world is headed.

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