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Post-Engagement Planning: Don’t Rush It!

Getting engaged can bring on an intense rush of emotions. Actually, it can also give you a pretty impressive adrenaline boost. You’ll find yourself completely caught up in all of the good vibes and well-wishes being sent your way by friends, family members, and random people you’ve met over the years. While these feelings can […]

Wills and Trusts: Estate Planning Tools

You and your partner have many financial and legal tools available for estate planning. You’ve probably heard of both wills and trusts, but it can be easy to confuse the two. What are they, what are the differences between them, and which one is better? This quick guide can help you understand them better and […]

Tips for a Budget-Conscious Same-Sex Wedding Ceremony

Congratulations are in order! You’re ready to spend your life with that special someone and now you’ve got a wedding to plan. While some couples have the resources and backing to splurge on their big day, that may not be the case with you. Same-sex couples often have to face the reality of not having […]

Rethinking Your Wedding Meal

Food is always a big part of a wedding. Whether you’re part of the happy couple or simply a guest at the event, you can bet that you’re going to spend a good amount of time thinking about the food. Finding the right caterers can be a complicated process. It can also be wildly expensive. […]

Stay Calm on Your Wedding Day

Feeling jittery before your wedding is par for the course. Most people get a little bit nervous when faced with a huge life change like marriage. Should you feel a bit more concerned than normal, it might be a good idea for you to find ways to calm down. Stage fright is actually very common, […]

Reduce Wedding Stress With a Day-Of Coordinator

Wedding planners often prove to be indispensable, aiding many couples in seamlessly executing their special days. However, many newlyweds-to-be opt to make such arrangements on their own, either by their own choice or due to a limited budget. However, you still may need help just to ensure that you and your future spouse enjoy yourselves. […]

Remove Some Stress From Your Planning Experience

Planning for a wedding can easily become a very stressful experience. Even when you have ample time to prepare, you might feel rushed or anxious about each little detail of the event. Though a little bit of stress is normal, you also might find yourself feeling far more overwhelmed than you had initially anticipated. When […]

Safely Dropping Hints About Marriage in a Relationship

For same-sex couples, marriage is a step that is still somewhat new. Legal for several years now, weddings between same-sex couples require as much preliminary work as any other arrangement. Naturally, some concerns can come up along the way. If you’ve been waiting for your significant other to pop the question, you might not be […]

Have a Destination Bachelorette Party Somewhere Unexpected

Bachelorette parties can often follow the same pattern. Countless women fly off to Las Vegas each year to engage in all sorts of revelry before settling down. If you don’t want to follow this path for your own party, then you might feel at a loss for options. While you don’t need to have a […]

What To Do After Your Wedding

Planning a wedding has a way of totally dominating a person’s life. From organizing guest responses to last-minute adjustments with your vendors, it feels like you can’t catch your breath until the entire ordeal comes to a close. What many couples discover, however, is that the comedown from the wedding highs can be significant. When […]