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Archive for the ‘gay marriage’ Category.

Skills Same-Sex Couples Can Use To Improve Their Relationship

The longer you have been with your partner, the easier it is to fall into a routine. While following a strict daily schedule can be healthy in many ways, it can also take the spark out of your relationship. To keep your connection strong as you plan for your same-sex wedding, you may want to […]

Small Wedding Reception Ideas for Same-Sex Couples

While plenty of people go above and beyond when putting together the details of their weddings, there are countless individuals who are not interested in large or lavish affairs. For a number of same-sex couples, the idea of a small and intimate gathering of loved ones is far more appealing. However, a small wedding reception […]

New Study on Same-Sex Marriage Illuminates Global Views

The Pew Research Center released a new study that looks at views on same-sex marriage in 24 countries around the world. The continent with the most representation is Europe while the Middle East has the least amount of representation in the study. The current study illuminates some interesting findings about global views on same-sex marriage. […]

Help! My Gay Spouse Came Out to Me as Bi or Pansexual!

Most people enter marriage with a person who is monosexual or attracted to one particular sex or gender. This is certainly true for both gay and straight people. However, life is often complicated, leading to unexpected twists, such as learning that your spouse is bisexual or pansexual. What do you do? Does the relationship change? […]

Plan the Perfect Same-Sex Wedding

Planning a wedding is said to be one of the most stressful experiences a person can go through in life. While there will be some headaches on the horizon, you don’t need to let the frustrations overwhelm you. When you and your partner decide to get married, one way to relieve stress is by looking […]

Advice To Help Same-Sex Couples Plan Their Weddings

While same-sex weddings are more common now than in the past, couples still face many hurdles while planning their events. If you and your partner have recently decided to tie the knot, you may feel overwhelmed by how much you need to accomplish before you walk down the aisle. Plus, since many wedding guides are […]

Same-Sex Wedding Planning Mistakes to Avoid

Though it only lasts for a few hours, planning a wedding takes a long time. Getting engaged is cause for celebration. However, you need to also jump right into the work in order to capitalize upon your emotional momentum. For many same-sex couples, knowing how to start the planning process can be difficult. One of […]

What the Respect for Marriage Act Means for Same-Sex Couples

The United States Supreme Court has been at the center of American political life for decades. The court’s recent actions, though, have laid the groundwork for a more combative relationship with the public. While the court used to be the champion of progressive politics, the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade marks a new and aggressive conservative […]

Updated Wedding Traditions for Same-Sex Couples

Weddings have existed in one form or another throughout all of human history. However, most of these events have centered around the marriage between a man and a woman. This means that many modern traditions connected to weddings have a hetero-normative influence that might not work for same-sex couples. If you’re looking to tie the […]

Engagement Considerations for Same-Sex Couples

With same-sex marriages now legal throughout the United States, more queer couples are publicly tying the knot with ceremonies. Naturally, thoughts turn to other traditions associated with a wedding, including receptions, rehearsal dinners and engagements. You’ve found love in a wonderful place, and you can’t imagine the rest of your life without that special someone. […]