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Archive for the ‘gay marriage’ Category.

Introducing Your Same-Sex Partner to Your Parents

If you are in a same-sex relationship but have conservative parents, chances are you’ve put off having them meet each other for fear of an awkward situation, family arguments or hurt feelings. Now that you and your partner have decided to take your relationship to the next level and get married, you can’t keep putting […]

Officiant Options for Your Queer or Transgender Wedding

Marriage equality is the law of the land, thanks to the Obergefell v. Hodges Supreme Court decision in 2015. Nevertheless, some queer and transgender people have faced difficulties trying to find officiants for their wedding ceremonies. If you’re stuck without someone to solemnize your union, consider these potentially useful officiant options. Try a Justice of […]

How to Throw a Same-Sex Wedding Shower

A wedding is more than a ceremony and reception. From parties before the day of the big event to the honeymoon, the coming together of two people in marriage is a true event. Traditionally, women have had bridal showers in addition to their bachelorette parties. Bridal showers were once meant for the bride and close […]

Going to Change Your Name? Don’t Forget To Cover All Your Bases

These days, the decision to change your name after getting married is entirely your own. Once upon a time, heterosexual couples followed the tradition of the bride changing her surname to her husband’s. For members of the LGBT community, this tradition doesn’t exactly work. While plenty of straight and gay couples are moving away from […]

Same-Sex Marriage in Medieval Europe

Opponents of marriage equality are often quick to dismiss same-sex marriage as a recent phenomenon. They claim same-sex marriage is the “latest assault” on Biblically prescribed morality. They’re content to treat it as a trend at best, or a harbinger of the so-called “end times” at worst. However, one American historian insists that they are […]

What To Wear on Your Same-Sex Wedding Day

When it comes time for your special day, you want everything to be absolutely perfect. The venue, the flowers, the music — each and every detail needs to come together to create your dream wedding. One of the biggest factors to consider is what to wear for your wedding.  What Not To Wear It’s important […]

Five Ideas for Same-Sex Weddings

With same-sex marriages being legal in the United States, many couples are solemnizing their union as partners in ceremonies that resemble the traditions common in heterosexual weddings. Gay or straight, there are only a few requirements that make a marriage legal, and none of them involve an expensive white dress or a stirring rendition of […]

Dealing With Drama: Combat Negativity Before Your Wedding

Weddings can bring out both the best and the worst in people. Most of your friends, family, and acquaintances will offer warm congratulations on your engagement. You’ll likely also share your excitement with those in your inner circle. However, you may encounter a few thoughtless, prying, rude, or blatantly unsupportive people whose words and antics […]

Attending Your First Same-Sex Wedding

Attending a wedding can be a big deal. When two people you care about deeply are preparing to tie the knot, it can fill you with all sorts of emotions. If the couple in question happens to be a same-sex couple, then you might feel a bit confused about what to expect. Those who are […]

Is Congress Finally Taking Marriage Equality Seriously?

Following the Supreme Court’s shocking reversal of reproductive rights, the United States is at a crossroads. Emboldened by the defeat of Roe v. Wade, many conservative activists are putting other human rights protections in their crosshairs. Most notably, Justice Clarence Thomas has openly called for a reexamination of the legal doctrine that made marriage equality […]