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Archive for the ‘planning’ Category.

Post-Engagement Planning: Don’t Rush It!

Getting engaged can bring on an intense rush of emotions. Actually, it can also give you a pretty impressive adrenaline boost. You’ll find yourself completely caught up in all of the good vibes and well-wishes being sent your way by friends, family members, and random people you’ve met over the years. While these feelings can […]

Reduce Wedding Stress With a Day-Of Coordinator

Wedding planners often prove to be indispensable, aiding many couples in seamlessly executing their special days. However, many newlyweds-to-be opt to make such arrangements on their own, either by their own choice or due to a limited budget. However, you still may need help just to ensure that you and your future spouse enjoy yourselves. […]

Remove Some Stress From Your Planning Experience

Planning for a wedding can easily become a very stressful experience. Even when you have ample time to prepare, you might feel rushed or anxious about each little detail of the event. Though a little bit of stress is normal, you also might find yourself feeling far more overwhelmed than you had initially anticipated. When […]

Safely Dropping Hints About Marriage in a Relationship

For same-sex couples, marriage is a step that is still somewhat new. Legal for several years now, weddings between same-sex couples require as much preliminary work as any other arrangement. Naturally, some concerns can come up along the way. If you’ve been waiting for your significant other to pop the question, you might not be […]

Have a Destination Bachelorette Party Somewhere Unexpected

Bachelorette parties can often follow the same pattern. Countless women fly off to Las Vegas each year to engage in all sorts of revelry before settling down. If you don’t want to follow this path for your own party, then you might feel at a loss for options. While you don’t need to have a […]

What To Do After Your Wedding

Planning a wedding has a way of totally dominating a person’s life. From organizing guest responses to last-minute adjustments with your vendors, it feels like you can’t catch your breath until the entire ordeal comes to a close. What many couples discover, however, is that the comedown from the wedding highs can be significant. When […]

Former Flings and Your Wedding

In life, everyone walks their own path. As you carry on your journey, you’ll likely to run into many interesting people. They’ll help you to grow and change in different ways. You might even have romantic entanglements with some of these people. The connections people make in life are important. It can sometimes be difficult […]

Painlessly Plan Your Wedding Reception Seating

Creating a wedding reception seating chart can be a tough task. It’s not just about the logistics of working everyone into the same space or figuring out how many tables you’ll need. As revealed in an Equally Wed article, the real stress-inducing aspect can be putting people together while minimizing potential drama. If it feels […]

Great Alternatives to Engagement and Wedding Rings

Rings are often a core part of both wedding ceremonies and engagements. Both wedding rings and engagement rings are closely tied with the custom of betrothal rings, which may date back to Roman times or the Middle Ages. Both are symbols of common traditions and can signify never-ending love and commitment. Yet what if rings […]

How To Make Your Reception Fun

Getting married might be a lot of work, but it should also be a lot of fun. You definitely want guests to leave your reception having had an enjoyable experience. If they don’t, what was all your planning for? Though it might seem like a simple goal, plenty of weddings suffer from a lack of […]