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Posts tagged ‘lgbt rights’

LGBTQ+ Community in Nepal Finds Support in the Courts

Nepal isn’t usually the first place people think of when the topic of same-sex marriage comes up. Yet, Nepal has a surprisingly positive track record when it comes to supporting members of the LGBTQ+ community. In 2007, the Supreme Court of Nepal ruled that meant the government had to recognize a third gender. Since that […]

Is Congress Finally Taking Marriage Equality Seriously?

Following the Supreme Court’s shocking reversal of reproductive rights, the United States is at a crossroads. Emboldened by the defeat of Roe v. Wade, many conservative activists are putting other human rights protections in their crosshairs. Most notably, Justice Clarence Thomas has openly called for a reexamination of the legal doctrine that made marriage equality […]

Why LGBT Representation Matters

In recent years, we’ve seen a huge shift in the treatment of the LGBT community. It was not that long ago that major television networks were hesitant to show a same-sex couple holding hands, let alone kissing, on a prime time program. While huge advancements have been made regarding LGBT representation, such as the right […]

Marriage Equality is Under Threat, But States Are Taking Action

Just over six years ago, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that marriage equality was the law of the land. Long overdue, the landmark decision of Obergefell v. Hodges was a huge leap toward affirming the love and humanity of millions in the eyes of the law. Still, while same-sex couples have enjoyed […]

The Renewed Attack on LGBTQ Americans and the Arc of the Moral Universe

When the minister and abolitionist Theodore Parker published “Of Justice and Conscience” in 1853, the United States of America was bitterly divided over the issue of slavery. At the time, the country was undergoing rapid expansion. With each new territory, the nation was faced with a choice: either allow the brutality of slavery to grow […]

Ending Workplace Discrimination

Recently, there has been quite a stir in the United States in relation to LGBT rights. While many positive changes took place under the guidance of the previous administration, the current team in charge has left almost everyone worried. Many members of the LGBT community have expressed concerns over whether they will be losing rights […]

The Marriage Equality Battle Continues

A significant victory for marriage equality in the United States was achieved in 2015 with the landmark Obergefell v. Hodges Supreme Court decision. Nevertheless, the struggle continues around the world for same-sex couples to win and retain this right. Recent gains in countries such as Mexico are still challenged by their adversaries, while marriage reform […]

Judgment Free Zone

As acceptance and openness develops in society, some corporations understand the principle of respect and dignity for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals, even if their customers are not always as tolerant. Transgender issues are in the news more recently, as individuals who had lived in silence find the courage to speak out. Recent studies […]

LGBT Rights in the Military

As the Supreme Court prepares to consider whether states must license and recognize same-sex marriage, the U.S. military takes substantial steps in changing LGBT rights in the military. Due partly to prior Supreme Court decisions, including the Windsor case that struck down parts of DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) in 2011, as well as the […]