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Posts tagged ‘minister’

Officiating a Wedding in the COVID-19 Age

So, you’ve been asked to officiate your friends’ wedding. Congratulations! It’s both an honor and an enriching experience to help a couple create a meaningful occasion. COVID-19 has certainly complicated things, especially key social events. But with some smart tips and useful precautions, you can help your friends celebrate and stay safe. Your Important First […]

Clever Ways To Ask Your Friend To Officiate Your Wedding

These days, it has become more and more popular for couples to ask friends and family members to be involved in their weddings in creative ways. Personalized gifts and sentimental messages are the perfect combination when you’re looking to involve the people you care about in your big day. While you might already have a […]

Marriage Ceremony Words

Marriage Ceremony Words Say a Lot When a couple of lovebirds decide to join their lives in holy matrimony, they will usually do so in a special wedding ritual that includes exchanging vows. Choosing the perfect marriage ceremony words to express commitment to each other is a huge deal. Couples are all different, so their […]

How Do I Get Married?

Marriage is a wonderful, sacred vow between two people and, if you don’t know how to go about it, the process can be quite stressful. Many couples want to get married, but they do not know what steps to take.  The basics actually aren’t too difficult with a little guidance.  Couples just need to find […]

Performing Marriages Start to Finish

Many people are interested in performing weddings. It is quite easy to get ordained online to do this. You will be required to submit basic personal information and identification documentation. With the ULC, there are also preliminary courses of study available that serve as an introduction to performing a wedding professionally and with cultural and […]