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Posts tagged ‘Same-sex Marriage Rights’

Is Congress Finally Taking Marriage Equality Seriously?

Following the Supreme Court’s shocking reversal of reproductive rights, the United States is at a crossroads. Emboldened by the defeat of Roe v. Wade, many conservative activists are putting other human rights protections in their crosshairs. Most notably, Justice Clarence Thomas has openly called for a reexamination of the legal doctrine that made marriage equality […]

Why LGBT Representation Matters

In recent years, we’ve seen a huge shift in the treatment of the LGBT community. It was not that long ago that major television networks were hesitant to show a same-sex couple holding hands, let alone kissing, on a prime time program. While huge advancements have been made regarding LGBT representation, such as the right […]

Marriage Equality is Under Threat, But States Are Taking Action

Just over six years ago, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that marriage equality was the law of the land. Long overdue, the landmark decision of Obergefell v. Hodges was a huge leap toward affirming the love and humanity of millions in the eyes of the law. Still, while same-sex couples have enjoyed […]

A Familiar Face May Soon Represent Ohio’s 89th District: Jim Obergefell

On the surface, it’s tempting to see history as a sequence of events. While this certainly is not incorrect, it takes much more to shape our world than a few shining moments. In truth, people drive history. Ordinary folks navigating the times in which they inhabit often spark the moments that we remember. While his […]

Marriage Is a Human Right; The Recent SSA Reversal Shows Why

We are social creatures, and marriage is strongly linked to our need for family, community, and belonging. It also provides us with a means to grapple with our mortality. The love that we share with a lifelong partner is a bond that gives us meaning that transcends our physical bodies. Marriage is a beautiful idea. […]

Religious Support for Same Sex Marriage

Studies show increased religious support for same sex marriage among a variety of religious groups in the recent decade. Some 42 percent of Muslims support freedom to marry, but only 28 percent of Mormons and evangelical Christians favor same-sex marriage rights. About 84 percent of Buddhists, 77 percent of American Jews, and more than 68 […]