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Posts tagged ‘same-sex marriage’

Best Honeymoon Options for Same-Sex Couples

Planning for a honeymoon can be a bit challenging. You and your partner are most likely dedicating a lot of your time to preparing for your wedding. You may feel like you’re letting your honeymoon plans remain on the back burner. Same-sex couples have become more accepted in countries around the world. Unfortunately, there are […]

Creative Wedding Ideas for Same-Sex Couples

Planning the perfect wedding can be a stressful experience. This is especially true for same-sex couples, since there are many marriage traditions built around heteronormative relationships. Thankfully, there are plenty of creative ways for you to put together an event that perfectly captures the love you share with your partner. Dive into these creative wedding […]

What the Respect for Marriage Act Means for Same-Sex Couples

The United States Supreme Court has been at the center of American political life for decades. The court’s recent actions, though, have laid the groundwork for a more combative relationship with the public. While the court used to be the champion of progressive politics, the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade marks a new and aggressive conservative […]

The Best Same-Sex Honeymoon Destinations

Your honeymoon offers the chance to kick back and enjoy quality time with your significant other. Naturally, picking the right location is key to making the most of this trip. While many countries are accepting of same-sex relationships, there are still a number of places where this type of love is considered taboo or even […]

Updated Wedding Traditions for Same-Sex Couples

Weddings have existed in one form or another throughout all of human history. However, most of these events have centered around the marriage between a man and a woman. This means that many modern traditions connected to weddings have a hetero-normative influence that might not work for same-sex couples. If you’re looking to tie the […]

Engagement Considerations for Same-Sex Couples

With same-sex marriages now legal throughout the United States, more queer couples are publicly tying the knot with ceremonies. Naturally, thoughts turn to other traditions associated with a wedding, including receptions, rehearsal dinners and engagements. You’ve found love in a wonderful place, and you can’t imagine the rest of your life without that special someone. […]

Exciting Trends for Same-Sex Weddings This Season

So, you and your partner have finally decided to get married and see where the journey takes you. Tying the knot can be a fantastic way to take your relationship to new heights. Of course, it is also somewhat new territory for members of the LGBTQ community. If you want to really throw an affair […]

Wedding Insurance Considerations for LGBTQ Couples

Phrases such as “in sickness and in health,” “for better or worse,” and “in good times and in bad” might make a careful person think about insurance needs for the future. LGBTQ+ couples certainly need to think about life insurance, homeowner’s or renter’s insurance, and other coverages that help manage or transfer the risk of […]

Selecting LGBT-Friendly Vendors for Your Wedding

One of the biggest challenges of planning for your big day is selecting vendors that offer what you need and fit into your budget. Unfortunately, there can be added obstacles for same-sex couples. Though public opinion on LGBT relationships is more positive than it was in the past, there are still many people who hold […]

Down the Aisle: Who Walks Who in a Same-Sex Wedding?

In traditional weddings, the father walks the bride down the aisle to the groom. This custom probably began in the days when women were considered property, not individual human beings with their own rights. In a way, the father transferred ownership of the daughter to the husband. Thankfully, this custom has evolved. Today, this custom […]