June 29, 2016, 11:50 am
Getting married to the love of your life can be one of the most wonderful experiences of your life, and now with the legalization of same-sex marriage, it is finally possible for the thousands of couples who had previously been denied this right. Many same-sex couples headed straight to the county clerk’s office to get […]
June 21, 2016, 10:30 pm
Whether you are married or not, many same-sex couples go through a lot of the same struggles all couples go through. There are highs and lows in any relationship, and there may be times where it feels like the spark is missing. This could be due to stress, a lack of communication, or honestly for […]
June 19, 2016, 11:48 am
“Little People, Big World” is a reality television show on TLC that documents the lives of a family living with dwarfism. Both parents, Matt and Amy Roloff, both stand at just four feet tall, and one of their four children, Zach, also has the condition. The show focuses on their day-to-day life, showing the struggles […]
June 17, 2016, 10:16 am
If you’ve been invited to a gay wedding, you may not know what to expect. Many have never attended a gay wedding before, and so you may be wondering how different things are going to be. Now that same-sex marriage is legal in all 50 states, gay weddings are only going to be more common. […]
May 24, 2016, 8:32 pm
As you know, same-sex marriage is now legal nationwide. This has been a huge step in the right direction for those who support LGBT rights, though it hasn’t come without bumps in the road. If you are gay, then you were probably thrilled to hear about the news, and if you are in a committed […]
May 20, 2016, 11:10 pm
Same-sex marriage has really come to the forefront of many news stories in the past year, especially since the legalization of same-sex marriage nationwide by the Supreme Court last June. Many of the stories have centered around religious battles, discrimination lawsuits, and other tales of people who have had a hard time adjusting. As time […]
May 5, 2016, 10:13 pm
Whether you’re someone who doesn’t let things get to you or someone who gets anxiety at the smallest thing, planning a wedding can be stressful. While you are probably very excited about spending the rest of your life with the person you love, the planning process can take a lot of time, energy, and money. […]
May 3, 2016, 8:31 pm
A bill that has been proposed in the state of Missouri claiming to give religious freedom could cause some issues with Kansas City’s economy. The bill, which is similar to other bills popping up throughout the country, would give people the right to deny service to those they felt interfered with their religious beliefs. Of […]
April 26, 2016, 8:07 pm
Queen Elizabeth II is opposed to same-sex marriage, according to one of her supposed close friends. The reason why, she says, is because of her Christian beliefs. While she believes marriage should be between a man and a woman, she is okay with partnerships and unions. This is because while she doesn’t agree with same-sex […]
April 20, 2016, 9:52 pm
If you have recently gotten married, then you are likely adjusting to many changes. Even if you and your partner lived together before marriage, helping your partner’s children adjust to you can be quite a challenge. Things can get even more complicated if your partner has children. Perhaps he or she had children from a […]