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Posts tagged ‘same-sex marriage’

Four Common Misconceptions About Same-Sex Couples

There are many different misconceptions some people have about same-sex couples. Ever since the same-sex marriage ruling by the Supreme Court in 2015, it’s more important now than ever to address these myths. Why the LGBT community is so misunderstood is a bit of a mystery. Perhaps it’s because it has only recently become socially […]

Same-Sex Marriage Opponent Justice Scalia Found Dead

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has died. He was 79. Scalia was found in his hotel room at a ranch he had been staying at. When he didn’t show up for breakfast the morning after his death, the ranch owner became concerned. When late morning approached and there was still no sign of him, the […]

Questions to Ask Before Tying the Knot

Same-sex marriage is now legal nationwide in the United States. Many gay couples who lived in states that did not recognize gay marriage have gotten married since then. The change in the law was good news for same-sex couples in all 50 states, whether it was legalized already in their state or not. With it […]

Life After Your Wedding

Now that same-sex marriage has been legalized nationwide, many gay couples are finally getting the chance to marry the love of their lives. This is a day many have been dreaming of for years, having been previously refused because they loved someone of the same sex. Now that this dream has become a reality, many […]

Kim Davis Back in Court

Many assumed that with the end of 2015, we had heard all there was to hear about Kim Davis. After all, the new Kentucky governor almost immediately signed an executive order, removing the county clerk’s names from all wedding certificates. This was meant to protect their religious freedom, since many of them did not want […]

Alabama in Same-Sex Marriage Battle

Since same-sex marriage is now legal on a federal level, some may have assumed the battle would be over. After all, once something becomes federal law, there’s not a lot people can do about it. However, there have been many challenges that have been experienced within the nation. While most of the country was happy […]

Did Kim Davis Win After All?

2015 was a big year for the same-sex world. Same-sex marriage was legalized nationwide in the United States of America, thanks to a Supreme Court ruling in June. Since then, there have been many battles within the states between those who want to get married to their  partner and those who claim same-sex marriage is […]

Homophobia Leads to Brutal Murder of Swedish Man

Homophobia leads to brutal murder of Swedish man after offering to help two teenagers in need. The man came across the two teens, aged 16 and 19, in the park and found out they were basically living on the streets. During this time, he was wearing a wig and dressed as a woman, according to […]

New Zealand Church Can Officiate Same-Sex Marriage

Have you ever heard of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster? It may sound like something out of a comic book, but it’s a real church. While the idea behind the church may be a joke, and it’s really made to poke fun at religion, they are recognized as a church by most people, […]

Great Wedding Spots for Same-Sex Couples

Now that same-sex marriage is legal nationwide, same-sex couples have the opportunity to get married and enjoy the liberties heterosexual couples have long enjoyed. While this has been a happy time for most, some same-sex couples have had a hard time with the process. Whether that’s because they have encountered issues getting the licenses or […]