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Posts tagged ‘ULC’

Have Your Cake And Eat It Too

Lately, conservative bakers have been in the news for their objections to constructing wedding cakes for same-sex couples. Melissa Klein was the darling of the Values Voter Summit as she sobbed onstage about being “forced” to close her bakery, Sweet Cakes By Melissa, after incurring a lawsuit for refusal of service to a lesbian couple. […]

Coming Out: the Church and LGBT Issues

Research from Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) suggests that many churchgoers are in the closet regarding their support for marriage equality. Being a supporter of this and the LGBT community in general might not seem like a very big deal to some, but to others it can mean the difference between being an outcast and […]

Falling Like Dominoes

If you would like to get ordained in order to perform a wedding ceremony, you may be wondering what the official Universal Life Church (ULC) position is concerning same-sex marriage. Although it is important to point out that no minister in the ULC is forced to participate in a wedding ceremony or perform a wedding […]

Easing Interfaith Tension in Egypt

Being a ULC minister means being a person who has gained an understanding of how to deal with all types of people from all types of religious backgrounds, from Mormons to Muslims. As we discover what it means to be a ULC minister, we will examine the upcoming festival in Cairo that has been specifically […]

The Passover Seder for ULC Minsters

Passover is one of the most important holidays of the Jewish faith. It celebrates the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt. The Passover Seder ritualistically commemorates this event, with the participants re-enacting the enslavement and the subsequent liberation of the Jews. Today, the Passover Seder can also be used to focus on […]

American Humanist Association Re-invents Jefferson Bible

A new edition of former U.S. president Thomas Jefferson’s Bible has been introduced in the literary world. The American Humanist Association has published their own, highly edited version of The Jefferson Bible, called A Jefferson Bible for the 21st Century, to reflect a humanist perspective, and distributed electronic and paperback copies of it to all […]

ULC Holidays: New Year of the Trees

Many faiths that originally flourished in agricultural societies recognize the importance of being good stewards of the land. This stewardship may be even more important today as we wrestle with issues such as industrial pollution, energy production and climate change. To be ordained as an interfaith minister in the Universal Life Church reflects one’s interest […]

ULC Holidays: Green Hanukkah

Few holidays shine as bright in the December season as the Jewish festival of lights, Hanukah. But through the celebration and tradition lies a new set of interpretations surrounding the story of Hanukah. One is that of environmental awareness and conservation, which those who seek to become a rabbi or to be ordained through ULC, […]

ULC Holidays: The Heart of It

The two greatest Christmas villains in history, Ebenezer Scrooge and the Grinch, are both fictional characters. Yet it is from these two characters that we can learn much about ourselves, our beliefs, and the right to allow others their beliefs as well. My should clarify that as an interfaith church, we are not finding any […]

Story of St. Nicholas for the ULC

As homes and storefronts hang their holiday decor, the jolly, rotund figure of Santa Claus features prominently. Santa Claus symbolizes universal values of cheer, kindness, and generosity. The more modernized and secular Santa Claus developed from the historical St. Nicholas. St. Nicholas also appears at Christmastime, often imagined with traditional style carvings of a gaunt […]