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Posts tagged ‘wedding’

A Quick Guide to Drone Wedding Photography

Drone photography has been a thing at weddings for a while. But now it’s growing more popular than ever. Wedding Wire’s Kim Forrest says it’s the hottest trend in special event footage for 2021. In the hands of a skilled pro, drone wedding photography and videos can capture your special day in stunning ways. Keep […]

Winter Wedding Essentials To Consider

Though the winter might be a season that brings about unique challenges, it is also a beautiful time of year. This is why countless couples make the decision to tie the knot when the weather is coldest. Despite the aesthetic quality, the cold and dry air can create some problems. If you’re planning on getting […]

What To Do With Your Wedding Photos

Once upon a time, photos existed only in physical form. Once a negative had been developed and a print had been made, a person could frame the picture or put it in an album. When it came to wedding photos, for example, most couples would have a treasured keepsake book stored away in a closet […]

Common Mistakes To Avoid When Writing Your Wedding Vows

Crafting personalized wedding vows can be a lovely way to make your ceremony more meaningful for you and your guests. However, some couples add in details that can alienate the audience or make people feel downright uncomfortable. You should write your vows from the heart, but there are some points that you should avoid completely. […]

Tips for an Inclusive Wedding

You may be focused on your special day when you’re planning your wedding, but a wedding is also about your community of support and love – your guests. It’s estimated that about 25% of the population has a disability that limits major life activities. As you get ready for your celebration, consider how to accommodate […]

Wedding Traditions and Their Interesting Origins

Though modern weddings look a lot different from similar events of the past, plenty of the wedding traditions found today trace their origins far back into history. However, few people know exactly how or why these rituals came about. From the cake to the groomsmen, almost every element of the nuptials is taken at face […]

Answers for Your Guests Before Your Big Day

Relaying pertinent information to your guests is an important aspect of preparing for your wedding. However, there is usually more to mention to family and friends than the address and time of the event. Whether you include all relevant details in your invitation or use your wedding website as a go-to resource, you should know […]

Infusing Music by LGBT Artists Into Your Wedding

As you and your partner begin to prepare for your wedding day, you are probably having a lot of conversations surrounding how your ceremony will go. Each detail of your special day will play a part in the overall success of the occasion. While it is not wise to stress out over the planning stages, […]

Delightfully Digital: Tips for a Great Wedding Website

If you’re tying the knot, technology will probably play a large part in your upcoming event. Social media offers plenty of bonuses for your wedding, but a personal wedding website is far from obsolete. Knowing how to leverage their powerful features plus keeping some content and etiquette advice in mind will be essential as you […]

Five Ideas for Same-Sex Weddings

With same-sex marriages being legal in the United States, many couples are solemnizing their union as partners in ceremonies that resemble the traditions common in heterosexual weddings. Gay or straight, there are only a few requirements that make a marriage legal, and none of them involve an expensive white dress or a stirring rendition of […]