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Posts tagged ‘wedding’

Procrastination and Wedding Planning: Beyond To-Do Lists and Organization

Deadlines and to-do lists are common when you’re planning a wedding, but so are the occasional feelings of being overwhelmed and stressed out. We all face crunch times, along with the temptation to put off essential tasks. While procrastination can become a serious problem for any nearly-wed, you may need more than just useful organization […]

Rooftop Romance: Tips for Your Fabulous Wedding

Rooftop weddings gained a great deal of popularity in 2018. Even in 2019, this trend shows no signs of stopping. Maybe you’re in love with a gorgeous view from above or want a non-traditional way to celebrate your nuptials. Either way, you can decide whether a rooftop wedding is for you and plan a successful […]

Enjoying the Spring Before Tying the Knot

Spring has sprung, and the world is slowly filling with the sights and sounds of the season. If you’ve been busy planning for your upcoming wedding, you might feel like you haven’t had a chance to really immerse yourself in the beauty of this time of year. Luckily, you still have plenty of chances to […]

Get the Most out of Wedding Expos With These Tips

Planning a wedding requires managing both resources and time. Finding the best vendors for your event is one piece of the puzzle, but it is a significant step. Wedding expos can help you discover the professionals you need in less time than researching the internet. Yet you need a sound approach to make the most […]

Keeping Control of Your Wedding: A Guide

While planning for your upcoming wedding, you’ve probably heard a nightmare story or two about the experiences friends and family members had during their own events. One common theme likely to keep coming up is the topic of people who get way too involved in the process. Whether this person is a relative, close friend, […]

2019’s Most Romantic Honeymoon Destinations

As you plan your upcoming wedding, you most likely are not thinking about romance. Sure, the general idea of marriage begins with feelings of love and excitement. But preparations for tying the knot may turn into a more practical, utilitarian experience. You need to organize guest lists, find vendors, and figure out what tunes will […]

Minding the Money: Consider Finances Before Tying the Knot

For many people in long-term relationships, marriage may appear to be the logical next step. After all, each partner already plays a significant role in the other’s life. Yet the decision of whether to tie the knot may not be cut and dry for everyone. In these cases, it’s important to think about some factors […]

Clever Ways To Ask Your Friend To Officiate Your Wedding

These days, it has become more and more popular for couples to ask friends and family members to be involved in their weddings in creative ways. Personalized gifts and sentimental messages are the perfect combination when you’re looking to involve the people you care about in your big day. While you might already have a […]

Great Ways To Save for Your Big Day

Weddings are one of the most expensive events a person can plan for. Studies show a couple is likely to spend somewhere close to $29,000 for their event. This is a serious sum, and it can make most people feel dizzy thinking about it. If you and your significant other recently decided to tie the […]

Married in a Hurry? Plan Your Wedding in Six Months or Less

According to Wedding Wire’s Kim Forrest, around 19 percent of surveyed couples planned their weddings in six months or less. Whether it’s unexpected life developments, the perfect event date that you can’t pass up, or it just “feels right” to take the plunge, you and your sweetie may decide to tie the knot sooner rather […]