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The Texas Gay Marriage Movement

The debate surrounding same sex marriage has been sweeping the country for over a decade, and Texas is not exception. In 2005, the state passed Proposition 2. This amendment to the state’s constitution changed the law so that homosexual couples could not enjoy legally recognized unions or even family status. Since then, advocacy groups have fought for Texas gay marriage equality, firm in the conviction that every couple deserves a joyful, legally recognized wedding day.

Movement Toward Equality

LGBT couples and allies saw a push toward change in October 2013, when an unmarried gay couple and a lesbian couple who had wed in another state brought a lawsuit before the court, demanding the right to legal unions. The case, De Leon v. Perry, made progress in February 2014, when Federal District Judge Orlando Garcia ruled in favor of the plaintiffs and expressed his belief that the Texas gay marriage ban could not stand. However, he stayed enforcement of his decision, and state officials, including Governor Rick Perry, appealed, pledging to fight against same sex marriage equality. The officials claimed that the voters had spoken when they passed Proposition 2.

As the case awaits trial in the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, LGBT advocates are hopeful that Texas will become a part of the momentum toward marriage equality that has been spreading over the nation. Even if the appeals court rules against the couples, the case is likely to speed toward the Supreme Court.

Fighting for Gay Rights

As of April 2014, the majority of Texans said that they supported Texas gay marriage. If you are one of those Texans who wish to grant homosexual couples equality under the law, there are a few things you can do. Equality Texas and Freedom to Marry are two advocacy groups who are working tirelessly for the rights of same sex couples, and they always need your time and support. You can also raise your own voice and write to your state officials, including Governor Rick Perry. If you support marriage equality, now is the time to act.